Apart from the supported projects, Charity Travel currently affiliates with the following organizations and iniatives:
- wrightcharitytravel.com Vacations that help Non-Profits
- voluntourism.org Offers for Volunteering Tourists
- idonatetocharity.org Online Charity Auctions
- charitywater.org Building wells crystal clear
- idealist.org An online initiative for us idealists
- alittleadrift.com Volunteering opportunities worldwide
- voltra.org Hong Kong based voluntourism organization
- www.tipsandtrip.com Worldwide travel tips
- www.childrensburdencentre.org Uganda Children's Burden Centre
- daanfoundation.org Development Action Awareness, India
- adaa.in/ Supporting India's orphaned, underprivileged, abandoned, and differently abled children
- yellow-duck.tumblr.com Quack!
- twobackpackers.com Two Backpackers Travelogue
- www.betterlifecycle.com one-man charity bikeride from London to Cape Town
- www.uncorneredmarket.com/ beautiful blog by an engaged traveling couple
- everything-everywhere.com Gary Arndt on a truly great adventure
- followtheroad.com awesome couple living on the road
- www.cyclestrongman.com perhaps the most ambitious bikeride
- globetour.org Jan Bover's Globetour by bike
- www.crazybird.nl/ How far can you get with a Sulky and a sunny smile?
- www.tractortractor.org/english/ Dutch girl, on a tractor to the Southpole!
- udavipayanam.wordpress.com/ Malia's green and helpful travels.
We proudly present to you our affiliate artists and musicians:
- http://guada.artelista.com/ Guadelupe, painter from Paraguay
- http://www.mdband.net/ Margeret's daughter, South African duo
- http://www.myspace.com/sangredbeat Sangre, Dutch rockband
- http://www.artistswanted.org/Lazar photographs of Palestinian life by Lazar Simeonov
- http://pascalle-nathal.net/ Discover the beautiful world of color meditation
Since Chartiy Travel is more a concept than an organization, most cooperation will consist of sharing our audience. If you are a charity organization or initiative and you are interested in becoming an affiliate of Charity Travel please send an email to kamielverwer@hotmail.com.