
Happy month of March

March 1, 2018. Seoul, South Korea.
Dear fellow Traveler for Good, we are still living happily in Seoul. Our daugther Miru turned five years old in January. She goes to the highest grade of kindergarten today, where she already learns reading and basic math.

We focus on art and writing and live quite a minimalist lifestyle. We hope you are also finding the inspiration this month!

I write these lines, admittedly, out of nostalgia. Charity Travel is history now - but as such I hope it can still inspire people who have some resources they don't need for themselves. In a way, our project was prescient of the alarming inequality our world faces today. It will be of vital importance for our species that this inequality doesn't nurture anger and violent revolt. It is our responsibility to keep connecting as one humanity. We all have to play a role in this.

There are wonderful projects, such as the one minute videos of the brilliant Palestinian filmmaker Nas:

One day, we want to get engaged in another project ourselves, if that doesn't require us to beg for funding (that is not our forte and better left to others). We all have our specific strengths and weaknesses. We also all have our own passions. I think it is very difficult to contribute in a meaningful way if what you're doing is not your passion. So, here's to discovering passion and doing good in the process!
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